Dec 1, 2017
In this podcast episode, Robert Doar of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) discusses the AEI volume he edited called A Safety Net that Works and the approaches he and his coauthors in the volume propose to improve the effectiveness of the safety net.
Nov 1, 2017
In this podcast episode, Claudia Persico, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy Anaysis at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, discusses a study she conducted with David Figlio and Jeffrey Roth that looks at the effects of prenatal exposure to a Superfund site on later learning outcomes.
Oct 10, 2017
In this podcast episode, Tashara Leak, an Assistant Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University, discusses trends, health risks, and socioeconomic factors associated with childhood obesity as well as promising programs that could help families and communities address childhood obesity.
Sep 1, 2017
In this podcast episode, sociologist Jason Houle of Dartmouth College discusses the growth of student loan debt and its implications for racial and economic inequalities in the United States.
Aug 1, 2017
In this episode, child psychologist Julie Poehlmann-Tynan of the University of Wisconsin–Madison talks about a new study on attachment in children who have an incarcerated father and discusses some of the factors that may lead to differences in kids’ attachment behaviors.